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Category: Master's Theses
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Master's Theses Files: 36
Only theses whose authors have given their full permission of publication are available in this folder.
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Dvoriashyna - Thesis

Thesis Title: Aqueous Humor Flow in the Posterior Chamber of the Eye in Cases of Iridotomy and Impanted Hole-ICL
Advisor's Full Name: Rodolfo Repetto Jannifer Helen, Tweedy, Pierangelo Marcati
Advisor's Institution: University of Genoa, Imperial College London, GSSI
Graduation Date: 23/10/2015

Date 2017-03-13 14:31:30 Language  English Filesize 3.16 MB Download 2284
Bolor - Thesis

Thesis Title: The measure of risk aversion
Advisor's Full Name: Prof. Martínez-Legaz
Advisor's Institution: UAB
Graduation Date: 30/07/2010

Date 2017-02-20 15:04:08 Language  English Filesize 429.1 KB Download 15405
Amr - Thesis

Thesis Title: Validation of a Model Predictive Control Algorithm for Priority-Based Routing
Advisor's Full Name: Alessandro D'Innocenzo
Advisor's Institution: University of L'Aquila
Graduation Date: 15/09/2016

Date 2017-02-16 18:23:11 Filesize 6.11 MB Download 1181

Thesis Title: Modeling of traffic congestion in a QoS based service provider network
Advisor's Full Name: Prof. Alessandro D'Innoce Ing. Ionta Tiziano
Advisor's University: University of L'Aquila
Graduation Date: 11/09/2014

Date 2017-02-14 09:24:43 Filesize 4.55 MB Download 3593
Ali tayyebi khameneh - thesis

Thesis Title: Application of Sontag’s Universal Stabilizer to the Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor
Advisor's Full Name: Prof. Pierdomenico Pepe
Advisor's Institution: University of L'Aquila
Graduation Date: 25/07/2014

Date 2017-02-14 16:29:04 Filesize 2.33 MB Download 808
Aida Abdallah - Thesis

Thesis Title: A Non-local Approximation of the Porous Medium Equation
Advisor's Full Name: Marco Di Francesco
Advisor's Institution: University of L'Aquila
Graduation Date: 22/10/2016

Date 2017-02-20 01:24:18 Language  English Filesize 2.71 MB Download 1587
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