MathMods & InterMaths Alumni Association

Erasmus Mundus MSc "MathMods" and Joint MSc "InterMaths"

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Established in May 2017

Wednesday, 11 September 2019 16:54

Announcement: general Alumni meeting 2019 Featured

To the Members of the MathMods & InterMaths Alumni Association

This is to inform you that a General Alumni Meeting is scheduled to be held in L'Aquila (c/o the Alumni Office - room no. 2-331-02 - ground floor, Coppito 1) on Saturday 12 October at 8.30 a.m. and, if needed, in a repeat meeting to be held on Monday 14 October 2019 at 4 pm



The Agenda is the following:

  • President's announcements
  • Approval of the 2018 balance sheets
  • Approval of the 2019 budget
  • Election of the "elected members" for the "Consiglio Direttivo" (Board of directors)
  • Appointment of a "Revisore dei Conti" (auditor/chartered accountant)
  • Election of the "Collegio dei Probiviri" (Board of arbitrators):
    • The nominees for "active member" (membro effettivo) are: Bruno Rubino, Yuriy Yashchuk, Milan Hnízdil. 
    • The nominees for "deputy member" (membro supplente) are: Mohammed JANNEH, Andriy STYAHAR
  • Any other business

You may participate in any of the following ways:

  1. in person;
  2. via videoconference (our Skype name is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);
  3. giving power of attorney to another member that you know will participate in person.

With best regards

Dr. Jon May


L'Aquila, 11th September 2019

Read 1367 times Last modified on Thursday, 10 October 2019 17:09
Home Alumni Home News Announcement: general Alumni meeting 2019