Student Services

Support via email is available to our students and applicants throughout the year (responses are usually given in no more than 48 hours) in order to handle as many practical matters as possible, for example:

  • applicants are assisted in pre-enrolement matters (how to apply, details on scholarships, documents required, queries about the study programme, etc.);
  • selected students receive all the support they may need before actually joining our programme: invitation letters, visa, embassies, health insurance;
  • enrolled students keep being assisted on many occasions, as when documents for various purposes need to be produced (registration certificates, transcripts of records...).

Direct support is offered by our teams, Alumni Association and international offices at each node to handle matters related to students' accommodation, arrival, health care and the like. Our dedicated MathMods Teams and Alumni Association are made up of experienced welfare advisers, who can give help and advice on a variety of subjects, including general and personal matters. We also organise a couple of social events for international students, which include trips to the surrounding areas and dinners. Some examples of the support services available to our students are given below:

  • general welfare issues;
  • advice on academic policies and procedures;
  • issues relating to our program, academic progress, failure or exclusion;
  • information about the university and local community;
  • welcome and orientation meetings;
  • enrolment at university and related support (e.g. exam registration);
Our Alumni Association cooperates with local teams and international offices to provide daily support with several practical matters:
  • assistance with the preparation of applications to gather funding;
  • visa applications;
  • health insurance offer and contract stipulation;
  • official enrolment at university;
  • residence permit applications, opening of a current bank account, application for an Italian tax number;
  • transport passes and canteen cards;
  • advice on academic policies and procedures;
  • other daily needs where language support might be required;
  • delivering documents and certificates related to the joint qualification even after graduation.
Last modified on Monday, 30 December 2019 10:43
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