- Details
- Category: Applications for the 2024 intake
Pre-Master Bonus
Pre-Master Bonus
We're proud to confirm that all our 2023-cohort students who attended our PreMaster Program obtained a special bonus worth 100 EUR for each gained ECTS credit (credits are awarded after successfully passing a course examination). That means they obtained up to 1,200 EUR for the first part of the PreMaster Program (consisting of 12 ECTS credits). Regarding the forthcoming 2024 edition of our PreMaster Program, we expect to award a similar contribution for an amount of around 1,000 EUR per student. Note that contributions are paid at some point during the academic year.
Travel & Installation
Contribution to travel and installation costs provided by the University of L'Aquila
By submitting your application before February 29, 2024 (1 pm Italy time), you will automatically be considered for a contribution to travel and installation costs provided by the University of L'Aquila worth EUR 3,000; EUR 2,000 for students residing in a Programme (roughly said, EU) country.
The number of scholarships allocated to the MathMods programme has not been defined yet. However, note that for the 2023 cohort, it was around 15.
How to apply? No additional application is required. The University's overall ranking (which will involve all the other international students enrolling in other UAQ international programmes) will be based on our own ranking. If you're selected, you will receive an award notification via email from the office in charge (International Relations Office of the University of L'Aquila) typically in July.
Erasmus+ Mobility
Erasmus+ Grant support for Students Mobility for Study (KA131)
Not to be confused with Erasmus Mundus (EMJMD) scholarships!
All our international students can benefit from Erasmus+ grants KA131 (Mobility for Study), provided by the EU via the University of L'Aquila and/or the University of Hamburg, to finance up to 12 months spent on mobility abroad. This means that such a grant will help you cover:
- Your Semester 2 expenses in Hamburg, financed by the University of L'Aquila
- Your Semester 3 expenses in Hamburg or Nice, financed by the University of L'Aquila
- Your Semester 3 expenses in L'Aquila, financed by the University of Hamburg (estimated amount based on previous years: ~ 500 EUR/month)
Please consider that for your mobility you might also benefit from an additional special fund (referred to as the Disadvantaged fund) addressed to students from families that have generated a low income in Italy. All in all such grants, i.e. Erasmus+ for Mobility (~300 EUR/month) and Disadvantage Fund (~250 EUR/month depending on your family income in Italy) are expected to award our students up to EUR 550 per month for 12 months at most.
How to apply? Detailed information about how to apply and what such funding may cover, will be provided during the first year (applications usually open before/after Christmas).
Other funding opportunities - Regional Grants
2024-intake students may also obtain other funding opportunities and benefits even from our partner universities (some of our partner universities, for instance, have offered accommodation at reduced fares to our students in Year2). Detailed information about how to apply and what such funding may cover, will be emailed to applicants later on.
To give an idea, you may find below details about the funding opportunities available to students of the 2023 cohort.
In their Year1 & Year2 they have all been receiving from the Abruzzo Region Agency for Education (A.D.S.U.):
- Up to 3,000 EUR per year as allowance
- Up to 1,500 EUR per year as rent reimbursement
- Up to 600 EUR max. per 10 months on mobility abroad (not awarded if you have already received a greater or equal amount by the University)
- Free meals at UAQ canteens as of January.
How to apply? The application usually opens in August. Scholarships are addressed to students from low-income families. A few more details will be provided via email by us. For more direct support, you may refer to our Alumni Association.
Grants by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI)
The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) offers grants to foreign citizens and Italian citizens living abroad to foster international cooperation in cultural, scientific and technological fields, to promote the Italian language and culture and to support Italy’s economic system in the world (According to Law 288/55 and its subsequent changes and additions).
Note that we don't offer any kind of support with this specific grant, but you may retrieve all the information required from the Ministry's official website.
Also, note that such type of grant might be incompatible with other grants you might be awarded for the same academic year (like the ones listed above by ADSU, Regional Agency). That doesn't mean that you cannot apply for the MAECI grant or for any of the others mentioned on this page. You're free to apply for any of them, but if you're selected, before accepting a specific grant, you'll have to check the related terms & conditions and ensure that they are not incompatible with any other grant you might have accepted in the meantime. If they are incompatible, you'll then have to forgo either before accepting.
Find out more about MAECI grantFind out more about MAECI grant