Sem3 UniCA Statistical learning
Applications @ UniCA 30 ECTS credits
Mathematical modelling with applications to finance [valid for the 2023 cohort]
The semester in Nice (UniCA) “Mathematical Modelling with Applications to Finance" aims at providing rigorous mathematics and tools from the specific application field, together with good knowledge in informatics. Students will be supplied with a strong theoretical and numerical mathematical background as used in banks and insurance companies and will be given a solid knowledge in financial analysis including a specific course about the related stakes and rules that have emerged since the financial crisis. This track aims at producing highly qualified modellers able to apply sophisticated mathematical tools to describe, analyze and simulate trading markets. The three mandatory courses are “Stochastic calculus”, “Probabilistic numerical methods”, and “Advanced Stochastics and applications to Mathematical Finance”. Optional courses deal mainly with statistical methods (three of the fours optional courses) and one course on numerical methods.
Below you can find information about the subjects for this semester.
Stochastic modelling and statistical learning [valid as of the 2024 cohort]
Coming soon...