Sem3 UAQ Social Sciences

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Applications  @  UAQ  30 ECTS credits

Mathematical models in social sciences

The specialization track “Mathematical models in social sciences” can be taken at the University of L’Aquila. The proposed curriculum covers newly developed mathematical modelling approaches, aiming at improving the well-being of smart communities, achieving a substantial reduction of disaster risk and losses in lives, livelihoods and health and in the economic, physical, social, cultural and environmental assets of persons, businesses, communities and countries.
The University of L’Aquila has long-standing experience in project development in several branches of social sciences such as opinion formation, the emergence of collective motion, and the social behaviour of largely crowded communities. In particular, the team has long-standing expertise in

  • Nonlinear conservation laws with applications to traffic modelling
  • Nonlocal aggregation models, an emerging subject in applied mathematical research with applications in particular to the modelling of criminal behaviour in urban areas
  • Mathematical modelling and high-performance computing simulation and its application in the reduction of risks associated with natural and human-caused disaster phenomena
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning for action to prevent new and reduce existing disaster risks.


Below you can find information about the subjects for this semester.

  • Advanced analysis [6 credits]

    Advanced analysis

    • ECTS credits 6
    • University University of L'Aquila
    • Semester 3
    • Objectives


      The main objectives of the course are as follows: to provide knowledge of mathematical methods that are widely used by researchers in the area of Applied Mathematics; to apply this knowledge to a variety of topics, including the basic equations of mathematical physics and some current research topics about nonlinear equations (traffic flow, gas dynamics, fluid dynamics).

    • Topics


      Measure and integration theory. Functions of bounded variation. Distributions theory. Fourier transform. Sobolev spaces. Application to the study of partial differential equations: elliptic equations of second order, parabolic equations of second order, hyperbolic systems of first-order equations, nonlinear conservation laws. An outline of semigroup theory.

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  • Mathematical models for collective behaviour [6 credits]

    Mathematical models for collective behaviour

    • ECTS credits 6
    • University University of L'Aquila
    • Semester 3
    • Objectives


      The course will cover some mathematical models currently used in the analysis of collective phenomena, such as vehicular and pedestrian traffic, flocking phenomena. Emphasis will be given to the mathematical treatment of specific problems coming from real world applications.

    • Topics


      Macroscopic traffic models: LWR model, fundamental diagrams. The Riemann problem. Point-type constraints (the "Toll gate" problem). Second order models for traffic flow: Aw-Rascle model, shocks description, instabilities near vacuum. Basics on the theory of systems of conservation laws. Junction of roads, networks. Distribution rules along the roads, optimization of the flux. Solution to the Riemann problem at a junction. Pedestrian flow: normal and panic situation. Macroscopic models, conservation of "mass", eikonal equation. The Hughes model for pedestrian flow; in one space dimension: curve of turning points, Rankine-Hugoniot conditions. Macroscopic models for pedestrian flow that include: knowledge of a preferred path, discomfort from walking along walls, tendency of avoiding high densities of pedestrian in a neighborhood (nonlocal term of convolution type), angle of vision, obstacle in the domain. Introduction to the theory of flocking. Cucker-Smale model for flocking, conservation of moment and decay of the kinetic energy. Asymptotic flocking. Singular communication rate. The kinetic limit. Introduction to synchronization: Kuramoto model, basic properties.

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  • Machine Learning for Automation [6 credits]

    Machine Learning for Automation

    • ECTS credits 6
    • University University of L'Aquila
    • Semester 1

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Two courses from the list below

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Natural Hazards Risk Assessment [6 credits]

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Natural Hazards Risk Assessment

    • ECTS credits 6
    • University University of L'Aquila
    • Semester 3

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  • Mathematical fluid and biofluid dynamics [6 credits]

    Mathematical fluid and biofluid dynamics

    • ECTS credits 6
    • University University of L'Aquila
    • Semester 3
    • Objectives


      The aim of the course is to give an overview of fluid dynamics from a mathematical viewpoint, and to introduce students to the mathematical modeling of fluid dynamic type with a particular attention to biofluid dynamics.

      At the end of the course students will be able to perform a qualitative and quantitative analysis of solutions for particular fluid dynamics problems and to use concepts and mathematical techniques learned from this course for the analysis of other partial differential equations.

    • Topics


      Derivation of the governing equations: Euler and Navier-Stokes
      Eulerian and Lagrangian description of fluid motion; examples of fluid flows
      Vorticity equation in 2D and 3D
      Dimensional analysis: Reynolds number, Mach Number, Frohde number.
      From compressible to incompressible models
      Existence of solutions for viscid and inviscid fluids
      Fluid dynamic modeling in various fields: magnetohydrodynamics, combustion, astrophysics.
      Modeling for biofluids: hemodynamics, cerebrospinal fluids, cancer modelling, animal locomotion, bioconvection for swimming microorganisms.

    • Prerequisites


      Basic notions of functional analysis and multi variable calculus, standard properties of the heat equation, wave equation, Laplace and Poisson's equations.

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  • Mathematics for decision making [6 credits]

    Mathematics for decision making

    • ECTS credits 6
    • University University of L'Aquila
    • Semester 3
    • Objectives


      The goal of this course is to describe some mathematical models of strategic interaction among rational decision-makers.

      We provide knowledge of the main mathematical tools of nonlinear and set-valued analysis which are crucial for studying the existence and the stability of the solutions of particular equilibrium problems such as variational and quasi-variational inequalities and non-cooperative games.

    • Topics


      We cover aspects of pure mathematics such as continuity notions and fixed point theorems for set-valued maps (Browder, Kakutani, Fan-Glicksberg) and we study the the existence of solutions for problems arising in behavioral and social science, among which Nash equilibria and Ky Fan minimax inequalities.

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  • Mathematical Modelling and HPC Simulation of Natural Disasters [6 credits]

    Mathematical Modelling and HPC Simulation of Natural Disasters

    • ECTS credits 6
    • University University of L'Aquila
    • Semester 3
    • Objectives


      The aim of the course is the study of analytical, numerical and computational methods (on parallel computing structures), for the solution of partial differential equations considered as basic elements for the construction of mathematical models for natural disasters. During the course will be introduced basic concepts related to the analytical and numerical solution for wave equations, elastodynamics equations and advection-reaction-diffusion systems.
      In addition to the classical analytical and numerical approach, some basic elements for the simulation of the studied problems on parallel computing structures will be introduced, with reference to the programming of Shared Memory, Distributed Memory and/or GPU computing architectures.
      The course activities are consistent with the professional profiles proposed by the Mathematical Engineering master course in relation to the acquisition of programming skills for complex computing structures and the solution of theoretical models.

      Learning outcomes

      At the end of the course the student should be able to:

      1) Know the basic aspects related to the analytical and numerical solutions of the proposed models.
      2) Use parallel computing codes related to the models proposed during the course.
      3) Propose solutions related to problems similar to the models proposed during the course.
      4) Understand technical-scientific texts on related topics.

    • Topics


      Main Topics
      Wave equations analytical and numerical methods, elastodynamic equations analytical and numerical methods.
      Diffusion equations analytical and numerical methods.
      Advection-reaction-diffusion systems analytical and numerical methods.
      Introduction to parallel computing architectures:
      Shared memory systems, distributed memory systems and GPU computing.
      Models for performance evaluation Speedup, Efficiency and Amdahl's law.
      Introduction to Linux/Unix operating systems and scheduling for HPC applications.
      Message passing interface (MPI) programming
      MPI basic notions, point-to-point communications, collective communications

    • Prerequisites


      Basic knowledge of mathematical analysis, numerical analysis and scientific programming.

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Home Structure Semester 3 UAQ Mathematical models in social sciences