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This is our 2020 curriculum. For the new structure, valid as of the 2021 intake, click here

Italian Language and Culture for Foreigners (level A1)

Additional Info

  • ECTS credits: 3
  • University: University of L'Aquila
  • Semester: 1
  • Objectives:


    The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge of Italian language at level A1 (beginner). The course will concentrate on four aspects of communication: speaking, writing, listening and reading on a basic level. Attention is given to correct pronunciation of Italian.
    Furthermore, the goals of the course are to enable students to:
    - develop the language proficiency required to communicate effectively in Italian at level A1;
    - develop awareness of the nature of language and language learning;
    - develop transferable skills;
    - form a sound base of the skills, language and attitudes required for progression to work or further study, either in Italian or another subject area.
    On successful completion of this module, a student should be able to:
    - understand familiar words and very basic phrases concerning himself/herself, his/her family and immediate concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly;
    - read familiar names, words and very simple sentences, for example on notices and posters or in catalogues;
    - interact in a simple way provided the other person is prepared to repeat or rephrase things at a slower rate of speech;
    - ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics;
    - use simple phrases and sentences to describe where he/she lives and people he/she knows;
    - write short messages, postcards, fill in forms with personal details or a hotel registration form.

  • Topics:


    Students will be required to show knowledge and understanding of the broad topic areas listed below. These provide contexts for the acquisition of vocabulary and the study of grammar and structures.
    - Clothes and accessories;
    - colors;
    - countries, nationalities and languages;
    - culture, customs and celebrations;
    - education e.g. learning institutions, education and training, learning tools, subjects;
    - family and friends;
    - feelings and emotions;
    - food and drink;
    - interests, sports and activities;
    - jobs;
    - measurements e.g. size, shape, weight;
    - numbers (cardinal, ordinal) and money;
    - rooms and furniture;
    - shops and places;
    - street directions;
    - the human body and health e.g. parts of the body, health and illness;
    - time expressions e.g. telling the time, dates, days of the week, months, seasons;
    - travel and transport;
    - weather.
    - Accepting/ thanking;
    - applying for a job;
    - asking about personal information;
    - asking permission;
    - buying and asking prices;
    - describing people and objects;
    - giving opinions;
    - giving instructions;
    - greeting and introducing;
    - inviting, refusing;
    - making suggestions;
    - requesting, offering;
    - talking about likes and dislikes;
    - talking about routines;
    - telling the time.

    - Sounds and spelling;
    - nouns: gender, number;
    - irregular plural nouns;
    - definite article;
    - indefinite article;
    - adjectives, first group adjectives and second group adjectives, position of adjectives;
    - formal address;
    - pronouns, subject pronouns and direct and indirect object pronouns;
    - possessive adjectives;
    -prepositions simple and prepositions with articles;
    - interrogatives;
    - adverbs;
    - present tense of regular and irregular verbs;
    - modal verbs and the verb sapere;
    - present perfect and some verbs with an irregular past participle.

  • Prerequisites:


    There are no prerequisites for attending the course.

  • Books:


    "Dieci A1" - Alma edizioni, Firenze 2019.
    “New Italian grammar in practice”, Alma edizioni, Firenze 2015.

Read 13029 times Last modified on Tuesday, 05 November 2024 11:09
Home Structure for 2020 intake Course units Italian Language and Culture for Foreigners (level A1)