UHH timetable, winter term 2015/2016

Monday, 05 October 2015 13:00

Please find attached a timetable of lectures for our students spending their second year at UHH, University of Hamburg, 2015/2016 academic year.

UHH timetable for Winter term 2015/2016
Date 2015-10-05 - File size 184.98 KB
Last modified on Monday, 28 December 2015 21:34

UHH Master Defense 2015

Monday, 28 September 2015 11:49

On 16 September our 2nd year MathMods students (2013-2015, 6th generation) presented the results of their master thesis. Congratulations to Nauman A., Maryia B., Gabriel M.C. Alexandr S. Sayedali S.B.! After the official part we took some photos and celebrated the success of our students together with their supervisors, friends and some of our Hamburg MathMods students (of the summer term 2015 and our Phd students).

We wish our students who are going to graduate very soon and those who have just left Hamburg in order to continue the 2nd master year at one of our partner universities all the best! It was a pleasure to host you in Hamburg!


Last modified on Monday, 28 September 2015 11:56

KKH-Alster-Run 2015

On Sunday July 5, 2015 we participated with our MathMods and international Maths students in the German wide KKH-Run (organized by a German Health Insurance). The registration fee went to a charity purpose ("Ein Herz für Kinder"). On a very hot summer day (more than 30 degrees!) our students overcame the short or even long distance (2.5 or 7.5 km) along the Alster lake with some exciting close finishes. The event was well organized by a German sponsor. Each runner was provided with cold drinks, some fruits and sweets. Our students had especially great fun during the warming-up exercises. The photos speak for themselves... Since we started for the University of Hamburg team we even won the third price (200,00 euros) for having been one of the biggest teams!

On Sunday July 5, 2015 we participated with our MathMods and international Maths students in the German wide KKH-Run...

Posted by MathMods on Mercoledì 15 luglio 2015

Erasmus (Mundus) Celebreation in UHH

And here are a few photos from our ERASMUS-(Mundus)-Celebration in UHH:

Last modified on Wednesday, 15 July 2015 17:18

A couple of photos from the BBQ (arrosticini) party we had yesterday in the courtyard of our students' hall in Pizzoli, L'Aquila.

Thanks to everybody (both MathMods and Polish students from Katowice) for joining us!


BBQ (arrosticini) party in Pizzoli

Posted by MathMods on Martedì 14 luglio 2015
Last modified on Wednesday, 15 July 2015 12:14