The Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of Mathematics of the University of Hamburg invites applications for two RESEARCH ASSOCIATEs (PhD Students) in THE DFG Research Training Group (RTG2583) “Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Fluid Dynamic Applications” - SALARY LEVEL 13 TV-L.

See the attached file for more information


University of Hamburg: 2 PhD positions
Date 2020-12-10 - File size 460.93 KB

Last modified on Thursday, 10 December 2020 18:06

The schedules of lectures for semester 1, academic year 2020/21 (both Year 1 and Year 2 courses), are available on the website of our department (DISIM department, University of L'Aquila).

Given the current pandemic, several changes might occur. So, we thought it's better if, instead of publishing here on our site a version that might become out of date quite soon, you get familiar with that official web page.

Here are some hints about how to find your own schedule from that link:

  1. MathMods = Mathematical Modelling MSc (aka "I4Y", it's just an acronym you may find on the file) and in Italian it's known as "LAUREA MAGISTRALE IN MODELLISTICA MATEMATICA"
  2. ORARIO LEZIONI I ANNO = Year 1 schedule of lectures (currently on page 1)
  3. ORARIO LEZIONI II ANNO = Year 2 schedule of lectures (currently on the last two pages, check out your own curriculum, too)
  4. Online courses will be running on MS Teams. If the code to join a course is still missing on the file, check back later or wait for the lecturer to email it to you. Note that if you haven't got a account yet, you can't join classes via code. You'll have to follow the invitation link received to your email as a guest.
  5. Classrooms starting with "A" (e.g. A1.4) are located in the building known as "Coppito 0" or "Alan Turing" (map)
  6. Classrooms without any initial "A" (e.g. 1.7) are located in the building known as "Coppito 1" (map), the one where our office can be found, too.

Note that, due to the current pandemic, you can access our university premises only after having signed a specific "self-declaration" form about your current health condition. You need to confirm that your temperature is lower than 37.5 C, that you haven't been in contact with infected people over the last 14 days, you currently have no cough, no cold, no sore throat. By signing the form you're also committing yourself to following all the regulations about Covid19 within the university premises (wearing a face mask, washing your hands frequently, practicing social distances etc.). Most importantly, you declare that you're aware of the Abruzzo region restrictions, based on which you may need to have been quarantined and having completed the self-isolation period before accessing our campuses (check out this link if you're not sure about it).

Download the brand new univaq app (available on Google Store and App Store) to submit such a form and reserve a place for a specific class (click here for guidelines)


Last modified on Friday, 02 October 2020 21:53

The Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of Mathematics of the University of Hamburg invites applications for several RESEARCH ASSOCIATEs (PhD Students) in THE DFG Research Training Group (RTG2583) “Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Fluid Dynamic Applications” - SALARY LEVEL 13 TV-L.

See the attached file for more information


University of Hamburg: PhD positions
Date 2020-07-09 - File size 438.9 KB

Last modified on Thursday, 09 July 2020 11:39

Dear (this year) graduates,

Are you looking for a research position in Germany? The University of Hamburg, Faculty of Sciences, will be happy to welcome you at the International Virtual Fair on 7 July 2020 where we will present our job opportunites such as PhD positions at the recently opened graduate school.Graduiertenkolleg 2583

At the virtual fair you can visit multiple booths, each representing a German university or research institution. In addition to testimonials and branding videos, each booth offers a wide array of information on doctoral positions and research openings, programmes and study opportunities. Apart from that, you can also talk to recruiters and scientists from all the exhibiting higher education institutions via one-to-one online chats. 
The event is open to anyone interested in research in Germany. It is free of charge and will be conducted in English. 

The fair is organized by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Please visit: