From the download section you can download the selection list for the 2015/2017 Erasmus Mundus Scholarships: Programme and Partner countries.

Selection list 2015
Date 2015-03-02 - File size 92.45 KB

  • All the applicants in the main list (students being awarded an Erasmus Mundus scholarship) are going to receive an email on the next couple of days with detailed instructions on what to do to confirm their position.
  • All the applicants in the reserve list (waiting list) are obviously eligible for our MSc programme. They may join our programme as self-funding students (more details will be emailed soon) and even be awarded an Erasmus Mundus scholarship if their ranking is relatively high and any of the applicants above them should reject our scholarship. Further information about this, as well as details about the possibility to benefit from reduction of the tuition fees and additional grants, will be emailed on the next days.
  • If your ID number is not in the list, unfortunately this means that you are in the non-selected list. This doesn't necessarily mean that your application was not good enough (by the way, we have received more than 972 applications!), but that it was given a ranking lower than the one given to other applicants before you in the list. In actual fact, the European Agency (EACEA) only allows us to have a relatively limited number of eligible students in the reserve list, mainly because of the fact that the number of scholarships is quite limited and it would be no use to have such a long waiting list.

What if I don't have my ID number?

Your ID no. can be found:

  • in your online profile
  • in your registration email
  • in your confirmation email

If you don't even remember your login and password, visit the page of the application form. You'll find a link that says "Forgot login?"

Last modified on Monday, 02 March 2015 11:03

Ice-skating in Hamburg

Thursday, 26 February 2015 21:20

On Wednesday 25 February we went out ice-skating at Germany's biggest ice arena located at Planten un Blomen in the center of Hamburg. For our MathMods second year students who had just finished their exams it was a good opportunity to do something else than studying while having fun after the exhausting exam period. All our international students, even those who tried ice- skating for the first time in their lives, proved that they were not only excellent students but multi-talented guys and girls facing all kind of challenges. It was really amazing.

Many thanks to all of you and enjoy the photos!

Last modified on Thursday, 26 February 2015 21:26

Thesis defence day in Hamburg

Written by Saturday, 27 December 2014 12:06

A few photos from the Thesis Defense Day held in September 2014 in Hamburg University. Congratulations to our graduates and all the best in your future!

Last modified on Saturday, 27 December 2014 12:30

Internationale Weihnachtsfeier 2014

Thursday, 18 December 2014 16:28
This week we've invited our MathMods (Phd) students for some Christmas celebrations and to conclude with the current year. Our MathMods team was keen on baking cookies, cakes and sweets, some typical German and Italian Christmas sweets like Stollen (a sort of sweet bread), Lebkuchen and Parrozzo and the students tasted some hot punch - Glühwein (unfortunately alcohol-free :-( ). Professor Struckmeier was so friendly to bring two guitars for accompanying with Gabriel our brave students :-) while singing a few German and international Christmas carols. Thank you all very much for contributing to the success of our Christmas party! We wish our students and the MathMods teams all over Europe the very best for 2014, may the New Year bring you all health, happiness and joy. Merry Christmas from the Mathematics Department in Hamburg!
Last modified on Thursday, 18 December 2014 16:38